Saturday, March 19, 2011

Baby Kole- 6 days old

This little angel was only 6 days old.  He snuggled up so well, I think I had a little bit too much fun!  He was such a good baby, too.  He was so calm & sweet, and he only peed on Mom & Dad each once!  (I told them it was to be expected.  It's all part of the fun, right?)

 I love, love, love these pictures.  It was hard to pick just a few for my blog!  Thanks for letting me have time with your sweet baby!

Special thanks to my sister-in-law, Heidi, for making his adorable little bear ear hat.  She is so talented!  Check out her stuff HERE.

1 comment:

Amy said...

so so beautiful Celeste. Love the rich colors in the basket!!