Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Camera Club Print Show

I haven't updated my photos in a long time! I joined a camera club last summer, and have really enjoyed submitting photos for the monthly categories, and getting constructive feedback. Last week I submitted these four pictures for the Annual Print Show. I have had so much fun with my camera! The camera club print show will be part the the Friday Art Strolls starting this Friday. If you'd like more info, email me at shotbyceleste@gmail.com.

"Kiss With A Kick"

"Blossoming Youth"

"Heart of the Wildflower"

"Banana Spider Awaits"


Marian said...

These pics are beautiful. I have to admit the spider one gives me the creeps, but is way cool. I would love to come see the camera club print show this Friday. Could you email me or let me know on my blog where they are?

Candi said...

Way to go Celeste by winning 1st place on the Banana Spider! I guess the locals don't usually see pictures of monster spiders like that! Want us to mail you one as a pet? Hee Hee!

Shaun said...

"Kiss with a Kick" is one of my favorites you've done. Hmm, I think I may have to imitate that shot one day. :) And the creepy Banana Spider, yuck! What's wrong with people?! LOL!