Saturday, July 11, 2009

Baby Anna

I've kindof been on a photo spree the past few days, in case you couldn't tell. I think I'm developing a passion for taking pictures!! I saw this little Anna & couldn't wait to get going!

She was such a cooperative little model, it was fun to try new things.
Jana, thanks for lending me your baby!


Jana said...

They are darling!!! I love will I ever choose...The new lens is awesome. The "C" family photos turned out cute too. You have so many talents and I happy you are willing to share.

Stefani Ashbridge said...

you have quite the talent for this. they are gorgeous photos. i can't wait to see whos family you choose next. they are wonderful!! :)

mitchclan said...

Absolutely beautiful! Can I get some lessons? Can I get another photo shoot?